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Relativism: Is Truth Relative?


Moral Relativists often say "There is no absolute truth".  This is an absolute statement and refutes itself.

We have a responsibility to judge what is right from what is wrong.  It would be insane not to judge wrong from right.

People generally do not accept relativism when it comes to science and math!

Moral Relativists often say “Who are you to judge?” when you disagree with their view.

This is a tactic used to make you feel ashamed of your values.  Do not fall for it.  Do not question your values this is their goal.

These same people are the first ones to criticize our beliefs.  See the hypocrisy?    

“If there were no God, all things would be permitted.” (Dostoevsky).


Moral Relativism states that truth and morality are based on the personal and cultural beliefs of each person or culture.  What is wrong for one person may not be wrong for someone else. Moral Relativism is the biggest threat to our society today and it is quickly growing.  It is being taught in our local schools and universities.  

What is Moral Relativism:

  • It teaches that truth is subjective and fluid and can change.

  • It teaches that since we each have our own idea of what truth there is really no right or wrong.

  • Truth is what you define it to be.

Dangers of Relativism:

  • Not based on reality. 

  • Everything is eventually permitted because there would be no objective right or wrong.

  • If one thing is allowed for one person you cannot deny it to someone else.

  • Relativism eventually puts everyone’s beliefs in conflict with the beliefs of others.

  • People believe that everyone will get along under the lie of relativism but this is entirely false since it creates conflict.  

  • It’s a lie and doesn’t work. 

  • It is taught as being compassionate and fair to the beliefs of others.  It’s not.

  • The most powerful end up prevailing in this belief system. 

  • When a society adopts this system it ends up demonizes anyone who doesn’t agree with its “accepted values”. 

  • Leads to socialism and communism.  These have never worked.

  • Under relativism no one agrees on truth and eventually the powerful win and subjects those who disagree with them under their power and belief system.  

  • Usually happens slowly over time within a society.  Frog in the water syndrome!  People eventually change their views and don’t even see it happening.

  • Examples of Moral Relativism: abortion, gay marriage, homosexuality, transgenderism, drug use, euthanasia, and so...


Historical Example of Relativism:  Hitler created a list of civil laws (Nuremberg Laws) that stated that Jews, Gypsy’s and others were not of pure blood and were enemies of the Aryan (German) nation.  The Nazi’s believed that their views were moral and since they were in power that is all that mattered.  The Nuremberg Laws were enforced and millions of people were murdered and tortured under the moral relativism of Hitler's beliefs.  

Relativism is also reflected in the protestant doctrine of Sola Scriptura.  Protestants claim that everyone’s personal interpretation of scripture is allowed…except the Catholic view? 



Where will you encounter Relativism?

  • TV, Social Media, and etc. are increasingly normalizing immorality at a frightening rate.  Immorality is depicted as moral, happy, and normal.

    • Examples:  pre-marital sex, homosexuality, same sex marriage, transgendersim, drug use, etc.

  • Schools.  Moral Relativity is being taught from Kindergarten through college.

    • It is usually not called “moral relativism” but is disguised as progressive thinking.  Be aware!

    • It is taught as being compassionate and caring.  

    • Immorality is being taught as normal.

    • Religion is always viewed as evil under relativism.

    • God is viewed as fake and superstitious.  

    • Religious views are called out of touch with the modern world view, judgmental, hateful, homophobic, and ect.

  • Indoctrination: repeat something over and over until a person or group accepts a set of beliefs.  Critical thinking is not allowed.  Pressure to believe is also used.

  • Religion is not indoctrination.  You are allowed reason and critical thinking.


  • Be prepared to fight against this even if it means losing friends and being judged by others. 

    • Not easy!  Stand up for truth! 

    • Your reward is in Heaven not here! 

    • Stay strong in your Catholic Faith. 

    • Recall the Saints who stood up for the Truth.


  • Friends and Family. 

    • They may believe this.

    • May be pressed to believe as they do.


Moral Relativism is a Danger to your Faith!

  • The Devil hates the Truth.  If you are in the “Truth” (Jesus is Truth) you are in Jesus.

  • “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)

  • Moral Relativism is condemned by the Catholic Church.

  • Read books on it.  Be prepared to make a defense against it.

  • Be prepared to defend your traditional Catholic beliefs.


Question:  Are there cases when truth is relative?


Answer: Yes!

However, moral truths can never be subjective.


Examples of Truths that cannot be Changed:

Murder is always wrong.


2+2 always equals 4. 


There are only 2 genders.

Gravity is constant.

The Earth revolves around the Sun.

We will all die eventually.

Someones age.

Personal preferences can be relative:


Example:  I like sugar in my coffee.  This is a personal truth which can be relative to each persons preference.  

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