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PSR - Parish School of Religion


2023-2024 PSR Group Photo

teachers and kids.jpg

Youth Group

In today's world our active youth face many challenges.  Something that should never
be overlooked is the value of their spiritual life within the Catholic Church.  We at
St. Elizabeth's and Our Lady of Lourdes would like invite all of our youth to continue to be active in their faith by joining our Youth Ministry.  If you are
interested in joining our Youth Ministry or helping out please contact the Parish Center.   


To empower our young people to live as disciples of Christ in our world


To draw our youth to responsible participation in life, mission, and work of the faith community.


To foster the personal and spiritual growth of each young person in our Catholic Faith Tradition.

Click Here to Download the current PSR Registration form for the 2024-2025School Year. 

2024 - 2025 PSR Calendar


Classes begin September 4th.


Classes will he held on Wednesday's from 6:30 - 7:30pm, beginning September 4th and run through April 30th, 2025.  Download the above Schedule for exact class dates.


Students through grade 6 will report to their grade’s table in the Parish Center.  Each table will have a sign on it that designates whether the children should wait at their table or go to their classroom.  The sign will be green (“Go to your classroom”) on one side and red (“Wait here for your teacher”) on the other side.  All signs will start out red, and as teachers arrive and are ready for their students, they will flip the sign to green to allow their students to go to their classroom. 


Seventh and eighth grade students may report directly to the church basement classroom.

PSR Purpose

The Parish School of Religion (PSR) provides religious instruction in the Roman Catholic Faith to children of St. Elizabeth and Our Lady of Lourdes parishes.

PSR Philosophy

The catechists of each classroom seek to fulfill the teaching ministry of the Church by proclaiming the message of Jesus, fostering community, motivating the baptized to service, and leading them to prayer. The primary purpose of the religious education program is to provide assistance and support to parents in their role as teachers of the faith in their home.

Information regarding the Student Textbooks used can be found here:

7th / 8th Grade Teacher Notes.

Adult Students
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